go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
package main
import (
"context" // Use "golang.org/x/net/context" for Golang version <= 1.6
gw "demo/http/frameworks/grpc-gateway/simple/protos" // Update
var (
// command-line options:
// gRPC server endpoint
grpcServerEndpoint = flag.String("grpc-server-endpoint", "localhost:9090", "gRPC server endpoint")
func run() error {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Register gRPC server endpoint
// Note: Make sure the gRPC server is running properly and accessible
mux := runtime.NewServeMux()
opts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithInsecure()}
err := gw.RegisterYourServiceHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, *grpcServerEndpoint, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
// Start HTTP server (and proxy calls to gRPC server endpoint)
return http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", mux)
func main() {
defer glog.Flush()
if err := run(); err != nil {